The last few day's here have been absolutely beautiful! The only thing missing would be warm temp's.
With the weather being the best it has been all winter it gave us a chance to fly a lot to get caught up on moving freight and passengers. It also gave me a chance to get back to the type of flying I love to do....Low and fast!!!
Friday and Saturday were so nice that when I was flying leg's empty I would take her down and fly map of the earth. Low-T and my self did a lot of sight seeing and caribou spotting during these flight's.
For those of you who have never experienced flying like this, it is truly exhilarating. When we are at altitude ie. cruising at 10,000 feet and doing 200mph you don't get to enjoy the sense of speed but if your flying at 200mph at let's say 500 feet you get the full sense of that type of speed and it doesn't get any better than that for me.
Low-T and I have been flying a lot together over the last few week's. It feel's like we are finally getting a nitch for flying with each other being able to think and react for the other.
This make's it feel less like work and more enjoyable for the both of us.
With the amount of flying that we did on Friday and Saturday enabled us to have today off. This is fantastic! I haven't had a day off to were I could sleep in since I started my rotation on the first. We typically work 15-20 days on with 10-15 off, we live in an airline provided apartment witch is located above the maintenance hanger/ terminal. So we literally live at work during this time.
I used my day off today just laying around and cooking dinner witch might seam mundane to most but for us it's like a vacation as we don't often have time to really cook. Today I decided to make spaghetti witch is like a delicacy out here due to the high cost of supply's.
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