Today marks the end to our good weather and hopefully this months duty for me!!!!
Although today was a very beautiful day here on the Alaskan peninsula the winds have started to shift and pick up speed. Landings have become fun and exciting as cross winds were 35-40 knots and the best runways having a surface equivalent to an ice skating ring! hahaha can we say breaking action Nil!!! thank god for Beta and Reverse!
Even though the wind's were not favorable and the annoyance of the constant shaking from the turbulence it was one of those day's were I took a thousand pictures in my mind that I will never forget.
As I look down at the bearing sea below me it reminds me of the sky with all the snow covered ice packs looking like fluffy clouds and the glistening cold blue water of the bearing painting the sky around them. It looked to me just like a calm spring morning with a sky scattered with clouds but I was looking down as if viewing it through a mirror.
On the leg home I was in a hurry and didn't want to fly so I let George do it for me. ( the auto pilot) As I sat there looking out of my window at the mountain range I couldn't help but notice the base of the ranges for as far as I could see looked very different. They looked like the were shear cliffs dropping off for hundreds of feet and all the ranges were connected together. Now I know this not to be true...I have flown through those ranges hundreds of times. As I keep staring at it, it looks blurred almost distorted like as if I was looking through a very out of focus lens.I take my sun glasses off rub my eyes and look again, nope still there. I wipe the window with my sleeve thinking the window must be smudged. This also had no effect. I start to panic thinking my vision is going so I start looking around...every thing close or with out feature looks right but the rang is still distorted. As I sit there wondering what is going on I look over at my OAT gauge (outside Air temp) and it is oddly warm up here as compared to on the ground. All at once it hit's me! What I am seeing is caused by a temperature inversion. (when the air temp above is warmer than below) Though I have flown in temp inversions many times before I have never seen this phenomenon before only remember reading about it in books
A few more minutes of taking this in and I as done fading into day dreaming until out decent into the airport.
The change in winds mean a departure of the good weather here as it will only be a matter of time before the next big low pressure system pushes in making flying and life here miserable.
I hope it holds out for another day because tomorrow one of our two planes is supposed to go in for a phase inspection meaning I wont have to fly Thursday or Friday. Without having flights means I can be released from duty two days early. I only have to fly tomorrow morning if we have enough flights to constitute flying both planes, if not I get to hang out all day and dead head to Anchorage tomorrow night starting my migration south in search of warmer weather, better food, and softer beds!
Wow. I just started following your blog and in my next life I want to be you, lol! Seriously, my hat's off to guys like you who face challenges every day that those of us here in the main 48 never think about. Fly safe and keep up the good posts!