Friday, February 10, 2012

The Sniffels

Well Today was my first day back to flying. I have been here for about a week but have been sick and I am still sick.
Dan went home last night leaving me here as the only FO so I felt like I had to try to fly today. That was a bad idea and what makes it worse is I knew better. My head is congested and going to altitude and coming back down reeks havoc on the ear's. Mine feel like someone stabbed me with an ice pick right in the ear.
On top of the constant ringing in my ear's I'm here alone and I'm supper board with out Dan here to instigate and participate in my shenanigan's.
Speaking of is his birthday. He is apparently trying to be clever and delete this info form his online social networking pages as too keep the world from knowing.So I'm here to tell the whole world it's Dan the bush pilot's birthday!!
Happy Birthday Dan!!! and good luck with that Cha Cha thing! lol


  1. I hope you feel better soon. I find that a hot toddy makes me feel better.
    Mix together:
    1 Tbsp honey
    1 Tbsp Lemon juice
    2 oz Bourbon
    2 oz water (to taste)
    Microwave until it's as hot as you can stand.
    1 hot toddy makes me feel better. Several hot toddies make being sick fun!

    Feel better and fly safe. Happy birthday to Dan!

  2. Thanks Joel, you bastard! Haha. Hope you are feeling better! I got my whole family coming up in march for the iditarod! I'm stoked!
